Jan 22, 2010

The Pursuit of Getting Healthy

The Pursuit of Getting Healthy

Like many of the patients in my San Diego Chiropractic practice, I desire to be healthier than I am.  Chiropractors spend much of our time helping our patients relieve their neck pain, back pain, headaches, etc.

This year I am doing all I can to regain some of the health that I have lost along the way.  As I have aged, I notice changes in my energy levels, my anxiety levels, my ability to get a good nights sleep, etc. 

I eat reasonably well avoiding fast food and soda.  I never have candy or chocolate in my house and I try to watch my fat intake.  While this diet plan has kept me in decent shape in regards to my weight, my blood pressure and cholesterol level, I still feel like age is creeping up on me.

You guys remember fitness guru Jack Lalanne don’t you?  He is 93 years old, maybe older.  That guy looks like he is 60 and can probably beat me and most of you in every test of physical strength and aerobic conditioning.  If I keep going in my current direction, I will be in a wheel chair at 93 – if I am alive at all! 

I think that most of us want the same things from a health standpoint.  We want to not only look healthy but we want to be healthyHealth improvement can only be accomplished through proper nutrition and exercise. 

For the last 20 years or so I have been a vitamin / supplement consumer.  Truthfully, I am hit and miss with taking my supplements.  The reason for my departures is the fact that I have no real guide for what I should be taking.  At least until now!

In our pursuit of a healthier body, both Linda and I recently had our hair tested for mineral content (Hair Mineral Analysis).  The results of my tests were what I would expect for a guy (me) that is forty something and has no real basis for taking the supplements that I have been taking over the last 20 years.

The lab that we used provides a full breakdown of the content of nutrient minerals, toxic minerals (including lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and aluminum) and a ratio of significant minerals.  They also provided detailed explanations of the findings as well as supplement recommendations including the type and the time of day that they should be taken.

I like this type of nutritional assessment.  Not only does it give me a starting point for taking nutritional supplements, but I can retest in 12 weeks and check my progress.

I recently read an interesting quote from a respected nutritionist.  He said “It is a mistake to think that you can loose weight and get healthy, the real path to losing weight is by regaining your health”. 

I think I will run with this and see where it takes me. 

If you want the tools to take your general health up a few notches a Hair Mineral Analysis is an excellent (and encouraged) place to start. 

If any of you are interested in getting a hair mineral analysis they cost $125.00 and I had my results in about 10 days. 

Call Steve Jones at his San Diego Chiropractic Clinic

(619) 280 0554


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Read More Articles on Chiropractic, Nutrition, Preventative Health, Back pain, Neck Pain and more

Jan 4, 2010

New Years Resolutions Back on Track

New Years Resolutions Back on Track

I will start this blog post by saying that I am not big on New Years resolutions.  Maybe I am pessimistic but I always think that they set me and many of you up for failure.

Case in point, many of the patients in my Chiropractic office in San Diego have already faltered with their new diets and exercise programs for this New Year.  Sometimes they fail with their resolutions simply because the changes involved in their new resolutions are too much of a drastic change from their prior lifestyle.  Others expect too much of themselves on a physical level and end up in my office complaining of neck pain, back pain, sprains, strains and other exercise related pains.  Many people at this point make a comment about how “getting in shape is killing them”.

I always enter the New Year with the thought that I will do just a little better than I did the last year.  This is especially true with diet and exercise.  Although I am a health care professional, I do succumb to the temptations of the bean rice and cheese burrito or the piece of pizza with extra cheese.  Likewise, I find myself getting run down from time to time and I loose my desire to exercise. 

Failing in my diet and exercise are two downfalls that have an immediate impact on my well being.  When exercise goes by the wayside I have less energy, I tier easily and I sleep poorly.  When I blow my diet I feel fat, bloated and most of all guilty.  These responses to failures in my diet and exercise make me wonder why I fail. 

The benefits of maintaining a healthy diet and following a challenging exercise regimen are easily identified.  Following a reasonable diet and getting enough exercise make me feel good! 

That is my health goal for the New Year – to be just a little better than I was last year with diet and exercise.    

Call Steve Jones at his San Diego Chiropractic Clinic

(619) 280 0554


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Visit my San Diego Chiropractor Website to make an appointment

Read More Articles on Chiropractic, Nutrition, Preventative Health, Back pain, Neck Pain and more